NOA13 - page 9

James Green
James Greenis Assistant
Director at the
StephenFriedmanGallery in
Old Burlington Street, London
W1 and is a trustee of The
Chichester Art Trust. His work
ensures that he travels
extensively and plays an
increasingly important role in
London at the centre of the
contemporary art world.
David Middleton
From our headline sponsor,
Towry The Wealth Adviser,
David Middletonbrings to the
judging panel the considered
view of someone not coloured
by direct professional
involvement within the art
world and therefore acts on
the panel effectively as a
collector and an art loving
member of the public.
As the Strategic Head of
Marketing for Towry he has
over 25 years experience in
the financial services industry
and was formerly a main
Board Director of Coutts & Co.
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