NOA13 - page 4

Message from the
We have experienced The Olympic and Paralympic Games,
medals galore; Murray’s victory at Wimbledon; The Lions
triumphant on their tour and England soundly beating Australia
to retain the Ashes. These are just some examples of recent
successes for Great Britain. I am delighted to report that in 2013
The National Open Art Competition is also riding high, nurturing
creativity and helping artists to achieve their own successes
wherever they practice across the nation. This year has seen a
record number of entries and the judges report the quality of the
works as being exceptionally good. The ‘Chichester Open’ was
launched at Goodwood in 1995 to add to the rich cultural
offering of West Sussex. It had small local beginnings but has
spread its wings to become national and is now recognised as
one of the most important genuinely open art competitions in
the entire UK.
Targeting artists of all ages and abilities, encouragement is
particularly given to the young emerging artist and photographer
in order to provide a broader view of the current trends in the
contemporary art world. Using a wide range of social media
platforms artists and photographers are encouraged to meet
and interface. Through the NOA exhibitions and the online
website galleries, their workcan be seen and purchased by a
worldwide public audience at
The Trust has proudly helped to launch a number of major
careers and enabled many struggling artists and photographers
to maintain and strengthen their self esteem, giving them the will
to continue and succeed. The NOA team are always available
and do a wonderful job helping artists who chose to seekadvice
and help.
The National Open Art movement is ambitious and grows apace
but after 17 years I believe the time has now come for me to
step down as your President. I do this feeling safe in the
knowledge that the future of The Chichester Art Trust and its
workis assured and I wish the trustees, the executive team and
all the artists who take part in this competition every success in
the coming years.
The Duke of Richmond
listed in alphabetical order
Thomas Allen
Katja Angeli
Colin Barker
Gawain Barnard
Rosalind Bates
Pippa Blake
Michael Boffey
Henrietta Bowden-Jones
Richard Brayshaw
John Brennan
Rogan Brown
Pete Burke
Fernando Cari
David Cass
Barry Cawston
Brontë Chandrasekara
Kara Chin
Jan Chlebek
David Michael Cooper
Fred Crayk
Sarka Darton
Matthew Draper
Melvyn Evans
Kristian Evju
Nathan Ford
Jo Fraser
Holly Frean
Greig Gilbert
Cara Gordon
Euan Gray
Bill Hall
Roxana Halls
Helen Hardy
Richard Harrison
Emma Haworth
Julie Held
Ian Hodgson
Don Hopes
Daniel Hosego
Anna Huckstep
Jane Human
Kieran Ingram
Claire Ireland
1,2,3 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,...100
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