NOA13 - page 8

Barbara Rae
Dr Barbara Rae trained at
Edinburgh's College of Art
moving to Glasgow to lecture
at Charles Rennie
MacKintosh's illustrious
Schoolof Art before working
full time as an acclaimed artist
and printmaker.
She is the recipient of
numerous awards,
scholarships, and honorary
degrees, her work can be
seen in nationalmuseums and
public and private collections
the world over. She is
internationally respected as an
outstanding colourist and she
travels the world in search of
inspiration, working from study
sketchbooks in her Edinburgh
Brian Sewell
Brian Sewell is an English art
critic and media personality.
Trained at The Courtauld and
Christie’s he writes for The
London Evening Standard
and is noted for his outspoken
comments. His artistic
conservatism and his acerbic
views of The Turner Prize and
much contemporary art have
made Brian both feared and
Michael Hoppen
MichaelHoppen first opened
his photography gallery in
Jubilee Place, off London's
Kings Road, in 1992.
Now one of the best known
photographic galleries in the
UK, MichaelHoppen not only
produces regular important
exhibitions but deals with
major galleries and
worldwide and advises many
leading companies on their
The NationalOpen Art Competition
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