NOA13 - page 52

NOA Prize Winner
Rosalind Bates
Blue Sky Thinking
60 x 40 cms
Artist’s Statement
The striking blue of the Queensland sky provided a perfect
blank canvas for the clear, crisp lines of bird and branches to
shine. Having trained as a textile designer my eye is naturally
drawn to the texture, colour and detail of my surroundings. I
work in whatever form suits my environment. While ‘on the go’ I
use photography to capture images in an instant. When time is
on my side I turn to pencil and ink in order to explore what I see.
To me, it is focusing on the detail that matters: stopping,
looking, studying and depicting the small parts of life that others
may walk past.
2002-2005 Winchester School of Art, BA (Hons) Textile Design
2001-2002 Camberwell College of Arts, Foundation Diploma in
Art and Design
The Naylor Award
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